Ukranian designer Julia Kononenko used personal experience with small spaces as inspiration create this multi-functional living room sofa that easily converts into a dining table set. The seat of the sofa transforms into six padded stools and the backrest Dear Greg: I ordered a dining room set in March at Carl's Furniture. The price was $1,200 and I gave a $600 deposit. The salesperson, Susan Tierney, said it would be delivered in about three weeks. I said that was fine – it would give me time to get rid The concept does away with the ship's main dining room, and set meal times, in favor of four smaller themed restaurants. RELATED: Royal Caribbean to drop traditional dining on Quantum PHOTO TOUR: Inside Royal Caribbean's new Quantum of the Seas Dynamic But there is good news for dining room aficionados who savor the gracious hospitality of breaking bread amid a home setting of tranquillity and style. Reports indicate a growing interest in having a room set apart for formal dining. A 1989 survey by the It seemed odd to me that the intricately carved, rather massive dining room in the Pardee Home Museum featured the initial "B." Our docent, Kay Cheatham, smiled. It turned out that Mrs. Pardee was an avid collector and the museum is full of what she found. Okay, now I'm stopping. Despite my injury, the dining room table did not become my mortal enemy, my nemesis to be forever scorned until the day I could seek vengeance. Instead it became my job to set the table. And eventually I took a lot of pleasure in .
Q. This pictured buffet is part of a complete dining room set that I acquired five years ago. This set has a total of 10 pieces: five chairs, one chair with arms, a breakfront, buffet, serving cabinet and table with an attached leaf that pops up from the Heidi Armbruster (Broadway’s “Time Stands Still”), Chris Henry Coffey (Playhouse’s “Lips Together, Teeth Apart"), Keira Naughton (Broadway’s “The Rivals'), Jake Robards (Playhouse’s “Our Town,” which transferred to Broadway), Charles Home Auctions Antiques & Collectibles Harley Sportster, 1984 Camaro, guitars, Silver coins, old currency proof sets, dining room furniture, and misc. Absolute auction, all sells to highest bidders on location: 9456 Columbus Rd. NE, Louisville, OH 44641. The First Lady decided to set a striking, contemporary tone for the Old Family Dining Room, a small room for private events that is adjacent to the official State Dining Room. The room, which was previously furnished with Kennedy-era antiques and painted .